Monday, November 23, 2009

What motivates belief?

Click here for full screen version

YEAR 13 - please save your own to your laptop in Philosophy of Religion file.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sandhi Thom lyrics

Read this document on Scribd: sandi thom lyrics

Does she have a point? What could be questioned? How could it be answered? Which bits of her lyrics provoke thought for you?

What is a human being - Sandhi Thom

Read the lyrics first before you comment.

Friday, September 4, 2009

the Matrix and Philosophy

Watch the above?

What questions does the film raise? what answers are suggested by the film according to this clip, or according to your interpretation?

What answers do you have? Do you agree with the ideas of the cave?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ethics - your views based on absolute/ relative ideas

What are the issues in this situation? Identify them and then discuss them as if you were an absolutist or relativist....

Pigs offer new stem cell source
Pig organs are similar to their human equivalents

Chinese scientists have given cells from adult pigs the ability to turn into any tissue in the body, just like embryonic stem cells.

They hope the breakthrough could aid research into human disease, and the breeding of animals for organ transplants for humans.

It may also enable the development of pigs that are resistant to diseases such as swine flu.

Read the rest here:

Meaning of Life

Meaning of Life